Since January 2017, a ban on branded cigarette packaging has entered into force in France. Cigarettes have been sold in identical packs, which “decorate” only frightening illustrations and inscriptions about the dangers of smoking.
The law prohibiting branding was passed fairly quickly, if not suddenly, so that not all smokers were aware of the changes in the rules for selling cigarettes. “At first, some buyers were surprised to see that all brands had disappeared and only bare packs with awesome pictures were left, but few people stopped to buy discount cigarettes. Although at first there were those who refused to buy – apparently, the effect of surprise worked.

But this did not last long, and ultimately, buyers quickly got used to and began to buy discount cigarettes of familiar brands” the owner of one of the Parisian outlets says. According to the metropolitan vendors, most often the consumers ask for Winston and Marlboro.
Tobacco manufacturers also do not notice a decline in sales of their products in the first three months after the introduction of anonymous packaging.

According to the French customs, which controls tobacco sales in this country, the shipments of cigarettes did not decrease, but on the contrary increased by 1.4% compared to the same period. Now the price of a pack in France is 6.5-9 euros for the mainstream segment. But the clients of online shops still manage to buy discount cigarettes.
In France, it is not the first attack on cigarettes. In France, from the point of view of the law, it is forbidden to smoke in restaurants – since 2008, with the exception of open terraces, in public places – since 2007, although this law is not always observed – the French quietly smoke on the streets, at the exits from railway stations and the airport.